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Use our search tool below to find an MO HealthNet Managed Care plan provider close to home. You can search by name, specialty, location, and type.
Search for many different types of providers, like:
Primary care providers (PCP)
Behavioral health providers (mental health and substance abuse)
Labs (to get tests)
Urgent care centers
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Your primary care provider (PCP)
Your main doctor is called a primary care provider (PCP). You can choose your PCP from the many doctors who work with us. Each family member can have a different PCP, or you can choose one to take care of the whole family.
Your PCP is listed on your member ID card and in your online profile.
Need to change your PCP?
You can change your PCP using your online account or by calling Member Services at 833-388-1407 (TTY 711).
Change your PCP
Provider education and training
You can get more information about the providers in our health plan. Visit to search for providers and find out where they went to medical school.
You can also search the American Medical Association (AMA) for providers who are members of the AMA. Use the DoctorFinder tool to search and find their medical school and training (residency).
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Vision care
Healthy Blue members in Missouri receive vision benefits through MARCH® Vision Care.
Find a vision providerNeed to talk to a nurse?
Whether it is 3 a.m. or a Sunday afternoon with the family, health issues happen at the most inconvenient times and places. Our 24-Hour Nurse Help Line is a resource you can call any time, day or night: 833-388-1407 (TTY 711).
Dental care
Healthy teeth are an important part of your overall health. Dental care is provided by DentaQuest. Eligible members can receive routine oral exams, cleanings, X-rays, extractions, fillings and medically necessary emergency procedures from an oral surgeon. For questions about your dental benefits or to find a dentist, call DentaQuest toll free at 888-696-9533 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central time.
Find a DentistMy Care Team
Find a list of your providers by logging in to your online account. View phone numbers, addresses, medical claims, and the date of your last visit.
Eligible members can get rides to and from their doctor’s office and other providers of covered services. To schedule a ride, call Medical Transportation Management (MTM) at 888-597-1193 (TTY 711) or visit.
See a doctor 24/7 with LiveHealth Online
LiveHealth® Online lets you visit a doctor through video chat on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. When you need to see a doctor late at night or can’t make it to your doctor’s office, LiveHealth Online can help. It’s an easy way to access care for you or your family without leaving home.
Learn moreMy Family Health Record
My Family Health Record (myFHR) makes getting care easier by keeping your family’s health records in one secure place online. See doctor visits, test results, medication, and more. You can even share access with family and caregivers.